Do You Know You Have to Test Your Products Every Year?

21 May 2021

The CPSC requires that if you have reordered a new production lot since the last testing, you should retest your children’s products every year to ensure the compliance.

You may ask ”Why do I need to do this, it’s the same product?

THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE. Unless you are still selling the same production lot that was tested previously, there could be changes in raw materials that you are not aware of, and what you thought was compliant really isn’t.


We will review your existing test reports, ask a few simple questions and recommend a course of action. We will also throw in a discount for you!

10% Discount Off for the test fee

DOCUMENT REVIEW to determine your course of action

.If it’s a STC test report, this service is at NO CHARGE!

.Reports from other labs US$50
(if you retest with us, the US$50 will be credited to the new test fee)


10% discount on the test fee

A retest is recommended. We suggest having an STC inspector, inspect your shipment to confirm the ongoing quality of your order and pull a random sample for testing.

All reports will be reviewed in our US lab in Wayne, NJ. If your products were originally tested in China, you can continue to test in the same lab or any STC laboratories in China to suit your convenience!

Contact us for details.