Global Wireless & RF Type Approval Certification for Radio Devices & Product with Integrated Wireless Technology

15 Jul 2021

In today’s world of rapidly advancing technology, more and more radio frequency (RF) devices are brought into our everyday lives, making testing and certification for these wireless equipment more important. To safeguard human health, maintain communication efficiency, and minimize conflict or interference between operating equipment, various standards and regulations on electromagnetic compatibility are enforced in different parts of the world. Electronic and electrical equipment, whether its RF emission is intentional, must meet the relevant regulatory requirements before it can be put on the market.

STC can help you meet the relevant regulatory requirements, improve product performance and reduce the risk of costly non-compliance.


Accredited Testing & Certification Service

STC Germany GmbH is a Notified Body with BNetzA and DAkkS accredited facility in Germany for RED (Radio Equipment Directive), EMC (ElectroMagnetic Compatibility), EMF (Electromagnetic Field) and product safety testing. STC is also an accredited laboratory by DAkkS (Germany), HOKLAS (Hong Kong) and CNAS (China). Depending on your sources of supply in China or the EU, STC can provide the most comprehensive RF products testing and certification service to fulfill the global RF requirements.

ONE-stop service

Our proven expertise allows us to provide fast turnaround time and unrivalled technical support for your product development to final launch.

Our world-renowned testing and certification services include:

  • One-stop product testing and certification including CB, CE, CCC, SRRC, OFCA, RCM, KC, VCCI, etc.

  • EMC testing – RED, EMC & FCC/IC testing and certification

  • Type approval by EU Notified Body, STC Germany GmbH (NB 2522) in Germany

  • Technical support services at various design stages

  • Issue HOKLAS endorsed test reports*

  • Other services such as training, seminar and technical consultancy

*For the accredited activities under HOKLAS (Reg. no. 003), please refer to the scope of accreditation on HKAS website.

Contact us for details.
