Household Electrical Products – Electromagnetic Fields Safety Standards in Hong Kong

27 Aug 2021

To reduce risks brought by electromagnetic fields (EMF), suppliers must ensure that their household electrical products comply with the EMF safety standards – IEC 62233, which was published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

Household Electrical Products
- IEC 62233/ EN 62233
Measurement methods for electromagnetic fields of household appliances and similar apparatus with regard to human exposure

IEC/EN 62233 do not apply to audio and video electrical products, information technology equipment and luminaries, all of which need to comply with individual EMF standards.  In conjunction with EMF standards, these products also need to comply with the general safety standards as indicated below:

Safety Requirements
- IEC 60335-1:  Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety 
- IEC 62368-1:  Audio/ video as well as information and communication technology equipment
- IEC 60065:  Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus
- IEC 60950-1:  Information technology equipment
- IEC 60598-1:  General requirements and tests - Luminaries

STC is fully equipped to test all household electrical products.  Our range of testing encompasses both EN and IEC standards, ensuring that your product meets Hong Kong’s safety requirements.  In addition, STC provides testing services for audio and video equipment, information and communication technology equipment and any luminary appliances under the relevant safety standards.

Contact us for details.
