To Prove Your Products Passed EMF Requirements?

07 Jun 2022

STC can provide you a one-stop testing solution on electromagnetic field (EMF) requirements regarding household appliances, radio control products, luminaries and generic products (e.g. AV & ITE products).

EN 62233 Household Appliances
Test with electromagnetic fields up to 300 GHz and evaluate the electric field strength and magnetic flux density for household and similar electrical appliances.  Such appliances generally include household electrical appliances, electric tools and electric toys.  The measurement methods specified are valid from 10 Hz to 400 kHz.  In the frequency range above 400 kHz and below 10 Hz, appliances in this scope are deemed to comply without testing unless the product is specified in IEC 60335 series.

EN 62479 RF Products
Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of low power electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz - 300 GHz).

EN 62493 Luminaries
Applies to the assessment of lighting equipment related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields.  The assessment consists of the induced current density for frequencies from 20 kHz to 10 MHz around lighting equipment.  This standard does not apply to built-in components for luminaries such as electronic control gear.

EN 62311 Generic Products e.g. AV & ITE products
Applies to electronic and electrical equipment for which no dedicated product or product family standard regarding human exposure to electromagnetic fields applies. The frequency range covered is 0 Hz to 300 GHz. The objective of this generic standard is to provide assessment methods and criteria to evaluate such equipment against basic restrictions or reference levels on exposure of the general public related to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields and induced and contact current.

Contact us for details. 
