Hong Kong Amends Toys and Children’s Products Safety Ordinance Schedules 1 and 2


On 14 February 2025, the Hong Kong Government published in the Gazette the “Toys and Children’s Products Safety Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules 1 and 2) Notice 2025”, which updates certain safety standards for toys and children’s products, after public consultation without objections in principle.

Since the specified standards for toys and for seven classes of Schedule 2 products have been updated or amended by the standardisation bodies concerned, an overall update is needed in the Ordinance to reflect such changes.

Updated Standards

The table in Annex B of the Notice summarises the major changes introduced by the latest standards as follows:


Existing standard

Updated standard


ASTM F963-17

ASTM F963-23

(Schedule 2)

Babies’ dummies

ASTM F963-17

ASTM F963-23

Baby walking frames

BS EN 1273:2020

BS EN 1273:2020+A1:2023

Bottle teats

BS EN 14350:2020

BS EN 14350:2020+A1:2023

Bunk beds for domestic use

BS EN 747-1:2012+A1:2015

BS EN 747-1:2024

BS EN 747-2:2012+A1:2015

BS EN 747-2:2024

Carry cots and similar handled products and stands

BS EN 1466:2014

BS EN 1466:2023

Children’s paints

ASTM F963-17

ASTM F963-23

AS/NZS ISO 8124.3:2021

AS/NZS ISO 8124.3:2021 (incorporating Amendment 1:2023)

Wheeled child conveyances

BS EN 1888-2:2018

BS EN 1888-2:2018+A1:2022


Effective Date

01 August 2025



