Special Offer 30% Off - Electric Remote Control Toys Testing

31 Oct 2019

With the steady growth of the world economy, the demand of toy products is increasing. In particular, electric remote control toys become popular among teenagers. Unfortunately, recall cases and safety accidents of electric remote control toys have been frequently reported in recent years. It has aroused the public and parents’ attention to the safety of electric remote control toys.

STC is a not-for-profit, independent testing, inspection and certification organization, with a global network of ISO/IEC 17025 accredited testing laboratories and over 50 years of experience in consumer product testing, STC provides professional one-stop safety testing and certification services on electric remote control toys for manufactures, traders and materials suppliers.

STC understands the challenges that you face. We are now offering 30% discount for electric remote control toys to help your business grow and thrive in an increasingly competitive and global marketplace.
